
Friday, March 23, 2012

Song #337: "Can't Get Enough Of Your Love, Babe" by Barry White

Date: Sept 21, 1974
Weeks: 1

Here's a great example of a talented singer elevating a song far beyond what the music deserves. This song is full of many of the terrible hallmarks of 70s pop music, but I don't mind because Barry White is awesome.

I'm sure I don't have to extoll the virtues of White's voice. It's what he's famous for. He's universally admired for his bass voice. His voice was a plot point in an episode of The Simpsons. The talking parts are very well done, and their duration is about perfect because just as you feel you're about to get tired of them, the singing part of the song starts, and honestly I think that's the part I like more.

Musically, the song has that 70s problem where even though there are plenty of instruments, the overall sound doesn't manage to be very full. I understand that White's voice is taking up most of the bass range, but when he stops to breathe the bottom sort of falls out of the song. Without him, the music feels light and weightless. I don't care for the use of horns at all, as usual, although I suppose I do like the strings. There's something about the smoothness of the sound they provide, as compared to, say, a guitar, that works here.

The lyrics are a passionate love song, full of an emotion that is intense, but never regrettable. "Your love for me is all I need and more than I can stand." He's actually made uncomfortable by his desire for this woman, but he's not upset by it, because he knows exactly what he needs. Even the title implies this passionate intensity. "Can't get enough of your love." No matter how much love he gets, he wants more and more. There's a place in any romance for this kind of intensity once in a while.

My verdict: Like it. It's nice to see an artist whose only No. 1 is also their signature song.

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