
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Song #803: "Exhale (Shoop Shoop)" by Whitney Houston

Date: Nov 25, 1995
Weeks: 1

My list randomizer apparently started off in a mood for movies. This is the 5th post I've written, and it's already the 3rd song from a movie. And not just "this song was also in a movie once," but songs that have been branded with the "Original Motion Picture Soundtrack" iron. Oh, and of course all 3 are movies that I haven't seen. (Well, actually, I did just watch White Nights, but that's another story). At least this one isn't another Oscar-winner.

The "(Shoop Shoop)" in the title mystifies me. Was that really needed to make the song's identity or artistry clear? It brings unwanted attention to the substantial use of "Shoop" as a lyric in the chorus, which might have passed unnoticed if the title weren't pointing it out to me.

"For every win, someone must fail". Sounds like a slogan for FailBlog. And anyway, I'm pretty sure life doesn't actually work that way. Sometimes a person can win in life without anyone else having to lose.

But the song's lyrics keep returning to the theme of "You'll find your point when you will exhale." Okay, so that has to be a metaphor, obviously, because otherwise that point is every 3 seconds. But what does it mean? What is the point when you exhale? Is it about relaxing? Is it about letting go of frustration I don't need? The song doesn't explain it. Maybe the movie does. Should a movie be required viewing before I can understand a song that was presumably recorded to promote the movie?

Thanks to Urban Dictionary, I got a definition:
    the point before a woman finds a GOOD prospect of a man...once she has exhaled...he could be a keeper 
    "I'm not sure if he's the one, so i'm still waiting to exhale. "
Ah, that makes sense. I get it now. But it doesn't really help me understand the song any better.

I've spent a lot of time on the lyrics because that was bugging me. I feel better now. Let's move on.

The music isn't anything special. Whitney Houston is coasting here. She can do so much more than what this song is asking of her, and she has 10 other number one songs on this list to prove it.

The backing percussion line is an unvarying "Bass drum. Snare. Sleigh bell. Snare. Bass drum. Snare. Sleigh bell. Snare." It starts to grate. Some more varied percussion could have helped.

The bridge does pick up a little bit. It doesn't quite achieve that phenomenon of being a totally different more awesome song, but both the backing string section and Houston seem to be trying a little harder while it lasts. Then I think the song shoots a photon torpedo? Or something? That's an odd way to end a bridge. Then the song "shoops" some more and comes to a close.

My verdict: Don't like it. Whitney Houston is wasted on this.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. You're right. I would never have noticed the "shoop shoop" if it weren't called out in the title of the song. Thanks, title, for making what should be innocuous totally annoying.
