
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Song #661: "Together Forever" by Rick Astley

Date: Jun 18, 1988
Weeks: 1

Q: How can you identify a child of the 1980s?
A: Ask them to sing the Rick Roll song. If they start singing "Together Forever" instead of "Never Gonna Give You Up," they are a child of the 1980s.

Now this is a song I remember from when it was popular. I'd have a hard time recalling which of Rick Astley's two big songs was bigger, not least because they sound so much alike that it can be difficult to tell them apart until you get to the chorus. If you only know him as the Rick Roll guy, you may not appreciate how challenging it is for me to separate this song from "Never Gonna Give You Up" (#654).

Rick Astley is a bit odd. It's like he was born 30 years too late. He, his deep voice, his pompadour, his stiff dance moves, and his suit should be back in the 1950s crooning soulful melodies while an acoustic guitar strums and a drummer keeps a simple beat. Instead, he's deep in the over-produced late 80s, where synthesized trills, fake-y drum kits, too much background singing, and a bright and colorful music video just completely overwhelm and obscure whatever actual talent he may have.

As for the song overall, it's not bad. It's got way too much going on, but that kind of overproduction is typical for the era. The sound is pleasant enough if you don't listen too deeply and try to just let the sound wash over you. It's good mall music, which is what the late 80s wanted.

The lyrics are wholesome and generic while simultaneously managing to be overbearing, but doormat-y:

"If they ever get you down, there's always something I can do.
Because I wouldn't ever want to see you frown, I'll always do what's best for you."

If you're ever not happy, I'm going to just keep pestering you until you're happy. Need time? Need space? Occasionally need a break from your perpetual fake smile? Too bad, because if you're ever not happy, I'm going to know it's because I didn't smother you enough. Also, I always know what's best for you, so don't worry your pretty little head about it.

Every time he sings "Together Forever Wichoo," I can't help but laugh. It's rare to hear such obviously fake slang outside a deliberate parody. I mean, half the time it's "Wichoo," and half the time it's "With You." His very British enunciation is flawless in either case. So phony and pandering to the kids of the day.

My verdict: Don't like it. This song is kind of fun as a danceable piece of nostalgia, but outside of that, I'm not sure it has much unironic value.


  1. The question, of course, assumes that the child of the 80s knows what Rick Rolling is. ;)

  2. It's possible that he's singing "Together forever we two," not "wichoo." So it's just a badly written lyric, not a weird enunciation choice.

    It doesn't make the song any better.
