
Monday, April 11, 2011

Song #493: "Woman In Love" by Barbra Streisand

Date: Oct 25, 1980
Weeks: 3

This song is so soft and so slow that it's an instant candidate for my insomnia playlist. Can't sleep? Pop on some of the softest, slowest, least interesting music you've ever heard and you'll be off to dreamland in no time.

The music is barely there. A slow guitar strums and a minimal drum beat is present, and there are occasional swells from strings. But even though the music is slight, it's not stark. A stark sound, such as a lone piano or an acoustic guitar, can make a song feel intimate and meaningful. But this sound is just full enough to rob it of that intimacy without replacing it with anything engaging. This music drones.

I suppose the music is so low-key to make sure it doesn't interfere with Barbra Streisand's vocals. I feel like Streisand's singing gets mocked a lot for sounding overemotional in a really fake way. Having listened to this song, I'm not going to argue with that perception. The emotion feels forced, like she's trying to show off her voice rather than convey a feeling.

The lyrics are meaningless. I don't understand what is being conveyed here. "I kiss the morning goodbye, but down inside you know, we never know why." What? We never know why you kiss the morning goodbye? At noon the morning ends and we don't intuitively understand how the rotation of the earth makes that happen? You know we don't know something? Did I know that? What does any of this even mean? And that's just a representative sample. Most of the rest of the lyrics have the same problem.

Not that you'll even notice the lyrics after the music puts you to sleep.

My verdict: Don't like it. This one fails on just about every level.

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