
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Song #910: "Drop It Like It's Hot" by Snoop Dogg featuring Pharrell

Date: Dec 11, 2004
Weeks: 3

This is awful. It's not even music. It's just noise. And I don't just mean that in a "wow, the crap kids listen to these days, it just sounds like noise" kind of way. I mean this is literally a series of random noises loosely strung together by some rap lyrics.

Here's a list of sounds in this song that irritate me:
- The tongue-clicking. It's like listening to somebody chew.
- The opening "Snooooooooop" vocal. It's so high-pitched and shrill.
- Everytime Snoop Dogg says "hot", there's a second "Hot?" layered on top of it. Why is it a question, why is it there constantly?
- The bass line. It's not a terrible bass line, but it's begging for some other music.

So what does that leave? The little snare drum beat that happens from time to time? That doesn't bother me very much. Oh, and I suppose that's not a bad keyboard sting that happens from time to time. In a better song, I might not hate it.

And I think that's a list of literally every sound in the song, other than Snoop Dogg and Pharrell's rapping. And neither of their rap styles appeals to me. Pharrell sounds like he's one step above being completely asleep. Snoop Dogg sounds like he barely understands the difference between rapping and just talking.

Do I even need to get into the lyrics? It's the usual terrible gansta rap stuff: I'm rich, I'm a gang member, I'm a badass, I get lots of women. Drug references, violence references, offensive to women, product placement for opulent clothing and alcohol.

And yet I could look past a lot of that if the overall sound weren't so hollow and empty. Add more music! Thankfully, Youtube mashups exist to provide an example of what I'm talking about.

My verdict: Don't like it. Terrible. The worst song I've reviewed so far.

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