
Friday, February 24, 2012

Song #873: "All For You" by Janet Jackson

Date: Apr 14, 2001
Weeks: 7

It's not your imagination, this is a disco song. At least, it's heavily based on a sample of "The Glow of Love" by Change, from 1980. Which is to say, it's practically a remake, or at least a remake of the good parts.

I like the piano. The pumped up bass and drums do their best to drown it out without contributing much of interest, but the piano part works. I wish it had more to do than its one riff that occasionally percolates to the surface of the mix, but it's a good sound. And unfortunately, that's about all the music that there is, other than random little laser sound effects sprinkled across the top. The music video includes a bizzare dance breakdown bridge. But it's not good, and it's not in the single.

The song's biggest problem is Janet Jackson. She does not fit this song. The generic, bland backing track demands someone with an interesting, powerful voice, and that is not Jackson. Her breathy, soft voice is far too delicate for this song.

The lyrics are an exploration of the problem Janet Jackson has being approached by suitors because they're a little intimidated to approach someone famous. "Something inside you grabs you says 'who am I?'. I know exactly 'cause it happens with all the guys." So I guess this song is about giving the guy permission and encouragement to approach her. I guess she really wants this one particular guy to approach her because she thinks he's hot. "Look at that body, shakin' that thing like I never did see." I don't think the line "got a nice package all right, guess I'm going to have to ride it tonight" comes across as sexy as she intends it to.

My verdict: Don't like it. There's not enough going on to keep my interest. It's not a good match of performer to material.

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