
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Song #460: "Tragedy" by Bee Gees

Date: Mar 24, 1979
Weeks: 2

I was recently defending disco, and the Bee Gees in particular. Compared to a lot of the other popular songs of the 70s, disco is at least bold and interesting. The problem is that boldness is occasionally obnoxious, and that's certainly the case here.

This song is sung entirely falsetto. I suppose I should admire their commitment to maintaining that falsetto, but it feels like an assault on my ears. This song could have been done in a normal register and been interesting.

The overly synthesized soundtrack isn't helping, either. Combined with the falsetto vocals, it feels a bit like I'm being attacked by a low-flying spaceship. The verses are kind of okay, but their minimalism contrasts sharply with the rather overbearing and unpleasant chorus.

Lyrically, this is a breakup song. I think the word "tragedy" may be a bit misapplied to describe a breakup. "When the feeling's gone and you can't go on." Yes, a breakup can be depressing, but it's not exactly a tragedy. The Bee Gees sure do love their overdramatic breakup songs, don't they? Hmm. I guess it's possible that it's not a breakup, but the tragedy is that someone did die and they are missed. But the music is nowhere near sad enough to communicate it if that was their intent.

My verdict: Don't like it. The music and subject matter are poorly combined, and neither one is particularly good on its own.

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