
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Song #152: "We Can Work It Out" by The Beatles

Date: Jan 8, 1966
Weeks: 3

This song has always bugged me a little. I really enjoy the verse and chorus. The overall sound of everything clicks together in a way that is just ideal. McCartney's voice, the drums, the guitar, and the organ all work together and it's a thing of beauty.

But then the bridge happens, twice, and it's like it's an entirely different song. The pretty, straightforward vocals are gone and replaced with an off-putting, dissonant vocal harmony. I'm sure that sound is intentional, and I don't usually have a problem with dissonance, but it doesn't quite work for me here. I think the problem is that it doesn't really resolve. The song's tempo shuffles through an awkward transition to waltz time, grinds to a halt, and then the verse picks up again suddenly as if the entire bridge was a dream. It's odd. And I'm not sure if it's supposed to have some kind of meaning within the song, or if the Beatles just did it to spice up the song. I will admit it's unique, and ear-catching, and interesting, but I'm not sure it's appealing.

The lyrics are about a couple having an argument and the singer is basically saying they need to stop fighting or their entire relationship will be at risk. "Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting, my friend." It's a valuable sentiment, but I can't help noticing that he's using it as a tactic to win the argument. He's not expressing a desire to compromise. He says "Try to see it my way. Do I have to keep on talking 'til I can't go on? While you see it your way, run the risk of knowing that out love may soon be gone." That's the kind of argument style you rarely see outside of politics. We're going to ruin everything if we keep arguing, so everybody should agree with me.

My verdict: Like it. Reservations about the lyrics aside, the sound can't be beat. I'm still not sure I like the unusual bridge, but I can't deny that it's unique and attention-getting. And the verse and chorus pair just can't be beat.

1 comment:

  1. I can't get past the lyrics. I never really listened to them that much before, but yeesh. "We can work it out, if you just see it my way. If you keep trying to see it your way, our relationship may end." Um, what? So, agree with me or else? That's awful.
