
Monday, March 26, 2012

Song #636: "La Bamba" by Los Lobos

Date: Aug 29, 1987
Weeks: 3

This is a cover from the soundtrack to a movie about a singer who recorded a rock and roll version of a traditional dance song from Mexico. Is everybody clear on that?

The original rock and roll song was recorded by Ritchie Valens. I'm not sure whether I like his version more or not. It's more organic than this remake, so it has a bit more feeling, but it's also not nearly as tidy. Personally, I think I like the Los Lobos singer better, but I like most of the instruments in the Valens version better. Well, maybe not the wood block percussion. Mostly I just want to get rid of the irritating guitar solo from the Los Lobos version. Regardless of all of that, the bottom line is that this song has a catchy tune. It will get stuck in your head. I don't understand why they added an acoustic lead-out from the song, though. Was that to tie it back to its traditional roots? Maybe, but it feels like a whole different song.

I've always wondered what the lyrics to this song meant. I've always been a little irritated by how often this song loops back to "Baila la la la bamba." Although I didn't understand the lyrics, I got the sense that they were very repetitive. And now that I've found a translation, I see that I was pretty much right. But it's really not so bad, because the lyrics are basically "dance the bamba," where the bamba is a type of dance. Then it says "a little bit of grace is needed" and "and higher and higher." Basically the lyrics are just telling you to dance. I can't really complain that a dance song lacks meaningful lyrics. The meaning is in the dancing.

My verdict: Don't like it. I'm not sure I can offer a particularly eloquent explanation beyond that its style just doesn't connect with me. And I'm not quite willing to grant latitude to a song that's been made primarily to promote a movie. I might be more charitable with Ritchie Valens version, but that song didn't reach No. 1.

1 comment:

  1. Not like "La Bamba"???!!! OK, I give up. Your total knowledge of music could be placed in a thimble and still have room for Melissa McCarthy's butt. Or was that particularly eloquent insult beyond your style?!
